Our History

When Jerry Healy launched Automatic Tool Company (ATC) back in 1972, he was already a leader in the automation industry, with expertise in supplying components to machine builders and automated assembly industries.

As the business grew, ATC began to provide support services for several large manufacturers of cam driven devices. Based on the automation customers' needs, the Campacer was developed for linear pick & place applications. Later, the Robotran rotary/linear pick & place and the Maxitran walking beam drive were developed.

As customers applications evolved, each product line was expanded to include several sizes. ATC products are used in many industries:
• For assembly: Automotive, medical and consumer goods
• For manufacturing: Material feed for presses & lathes

In 2015, ATC was purchased by Aptek, Inc., its Michigan Terriory Sales Representative for almost 30 years, and moved to Aptek's facility in Perry, Mi.

ATC equipment has been successfully implemented worldwide, in a number of sites and a variety of industries. Today the tradition of meeting customers' needs continues. Contact us and put our experience to work for you.