Seller warrants these products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year from the
date of manufacture.
If the products are proved to be defective to the sellers reasonable satisfaction, they will be repaired or replaced at the Sellers option.
This warranty does not apply to a) products not manufactured by the Seller. b) products which have been altered. c) products miss applied or damaged by negligence, or accident.
Warranties do not cover reimbursement for the transport, removal or replacement of affected items, or any other incurred expenses.
Engineering Changes
The products and information listed in this catalog are part of a continuous improvement program. Specifications, materials and engineering data are subject to change. Design critical information, if required, can be provided by contacting our Product Engineering Department, or visiting the website for the most current design data.
ATC is committed to provide a quality process and control system to ensure the customer consistent delivery and performance of materials to contract standards.
Altered Standard and Specials
The heritage of Automatic Tool Company is to provide industry solutions to special needs. This is how the line of ATC units has evolved.
To that end we welcome your requests for altered standards and specials as these are what drives our business model and the expansion of the product line.
Detailed requests may be made to our engineering department for evaluation and quotation.